If you have any questions which are not covered on this website, please contact our team at info@istplus.com

Very Important! Invite your US Supervisor

Click through the slideshow below for instructions on inviting your US Supervisor and Host Company

To Invite your US Supervisor you will need the following information
The Full name of your US Host Company
Your US Host Company Supervisor Name
Their position at the US Host Company
Their contact email and telephone number
The address of your US Host Company
Your intended internship dates (approximate)
You must email our team to confirm when you have completed this step
What Happens Next?

We will check your entry and submit to CIEE
Your US Supervisor will be sent a questionnaire by CIEE via email link
They will then complete and submit this
CIEE will review and then ask them to complete a Host Profile
Once this has been completed, CIEE will review and make sure everything is ready to move forward
CIEE will then unlock the training plan for your US Supervisor to complete
Once your US Supervisor has completed the training plan, you will be notified via email from donotreply@ciee.org

Please see Signing your Online Training Plan (DS-7002) in our Step by Step guide below for information on how to sign your online training plan

The Process - How long does it take?

Once you have emailed our team at info@istplus.com to confirm you are ready to move forward with the application, we will review your completed application.
Below is an outline of the process - each application is assessed individually however, so timelines and processes vary.

We strongly recommend allowing a minimum 6 weeks for this - and significantly more in the busy periods of the year such as the months leading up to the summer and December Holidays.
Embassies are much busier during these times, and wait times for interviews will be much longer!

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1: Application Complete

Once both parts of your application are complete (your part and your online training plan), please email our team at info@istplus.com to confirm.
We will then review your application and let you know if anything needs to be revised/ is missing.
Our team will not review or check your application until you have confirmed you have completed this and are ready to move forward with the process.

Once complete, we will issue the payment request.
Once payment has been received we will submit the completed application to CIEE in the United States.

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2: CIEE Review

Your application will show as UNDER REVIEW. CIEE will work with your Host Company to approve your application. You must check your email regularly during this process as this will be how we contact you should we require further information. In some cases, CIEE may ask your Host Company to revise your training plan to bring it into line with US Government requirements.

This may require the training plan to be signed again by both your US Host and you - if this is required you will receive an email from CIEE systems asking you to log in again and sign off on the revised plan.

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3: Approval

Once approval has been granted (this may take up to 4 weeks), your status on your application will change to ACCEPTED. Within 2-3 working days (not including weekends) of this you will be able to see your SEVIS ID at the top of your online account page. THIS IS SHOWN AS SEVIS ID/ DS-2019 NUMBER.
You will also receive an email from CIEE with specific instructions on how to download this and your SEVIS RECEIPT.
Using these details you can complete the DS-160 form - see our US Embassy Interviews page

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4: Book your Interview/

Having completed your DS-160 you can move on to booking your face to face interview at the US Embassy. Please note you will need your legal documents in order to attend this (these normally take 5 working days to arrive after your DS-2019# shows in your online account (see Step 4).
*Please bear this in mind when booking your interview date*

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5: Attend your Visa Interview

At your face to face interview at your local Embassy or Consulate, you will be required to answer some questions about your trining plan, your plans for when you return home and other details.
You will also be required to provide biometric data (fingerprints).

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6: After the Interview

When your passport and visa are returned to you by the US Embassy, you are free to book your flights and travel to the US on or after the date listed as Program Start Date on your Documents and online Training Plan

At this point you should update your VISA DETAILS and TRAVEL DETAILS in your online BEACON account.

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8: Arriving in the USA

You will need to register in SEVIS and also provide contact tracing information to immigration authorities upon entry to the United States.

See below for important information on registering in SEVIS and Travel during your time on the programme.

Send us a Message!

Drop us a quick message and one of our team will respond within 1 working day (not including weekends and public holidays).

IST Plus
Camberwell Business Centre
99-103 Lomond Grove


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